3 min readSep 30, 2020


Let’s use stun gun HYBRID (made by OBERON-ALPHA, self-defense electroshock weapons and police equipment) as an example to talk about the technical aspect of multi-shot stun guns.

First of all, it should be noted that the stun gun Hybrid has two transformers. Each high-voltage transformer has its own pair of combat electrodes placed on the front section of the device. In addition, each transformer system can be used contact or remotely independently.

Smart stun gun Hybrid is the most advanced and powerful stun gun. You can only buy it directly from the manufacturer in Moscow on the contract basis. It is delivered to specialized organizations, a civilian model will be available at an affordable price.

Stun gun Hybrid has two trigger switches (left and right) located in the upper part of the stun gun and each high-voltage system operates depending on the position of the corresponding trigger.

Stun gun HYBRID for remote and contact electroshock influence

- Contact influence. You don`t need to remove remote cartridges from the stun gun to apply it contact. Stun gun can produce blank discharge or can be applied contact with the cartridges installed. For contact use, move the triggers in the “contact” position (storage in the holster is also recommended in the “contact” position). The stun gun will influence the target with both electroshock lines, doubling its efficiency.

- Remote electroshock influence on one target. Multi-shot stun gun Hybrid is stored in a holster with a magazine for 2 stun cartridges, so to prepare it for the shot, you need to switch the trigger of the corresponding high-voltage system to the “shot” mode. Pressing the “Discharge” button will fire the shot. Holding the button further will allow you to continue affecting the target. In this case, the second line is free and can be used for contact application. If you pull 2 triggers, the shot will be fired simultaneously from two cartridges and two electroshock lines will be affecting the target simultaneously.

Remote electroshock influence of Taser X2 and Taser X3 models (produced by Axon, USA) is somewhat different. Pressing the trigger shoots the cartridge and immediately delivers a discharge for 5 seconds. To use the discharge again, you need to press not the trigger, but a different button located on the side under the index finger. A indicator monitor is used to select the cartridge for individual remote impact on the target, which is not always convenient.

- Remote electroshock influence on multiple targets. Stun gun Hybrid produced by OBERON-ALPHA, Moscow, can provide electric shock to 2 targets simultaneously. In turn, the appropriate selection trigger is pulled and the shot is fired. Which transformer line will send the discharge along the line, whether the line will work remotely or contact, is chosen by the stun gun operator. If two targets are affected remotely, the stun gun can be used contact against the third target by bringing the combat electrodes directly to the body of the third attacker, then both high-voltage lines will be used on the third object.

It should be noted that the manufacturer of Taser models does not recommend using their weapons in contact, since a high-voltage discharge of the Taser stun gun can provoke aggression and doesn`t have enough power to immobilize the target.





Stun guns for self-defense and law enforcement. Special equipment for police. Production and development. Russia, Moscow.

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